FreebiesBook Mark Freebie
Free My "Discover For Yourself" bookmarks. Most amazing sequence of Bible Scriptures with the clearest message to "spread the Word"! And now on good card stock! Just email me your address which won't be shared with anyone. I'll send you up to 10 at a time via first class mail. No charge! |
Bible Correspondence Freebie
I am also producing a type of “Bible correspondence” course with lessons entitled “Discover For Yourself”. They are simple, straightforward, lessons using only the Bible to answer the questions; very limited “commentary” included. They will be free to anyone who requests them. The first lesson is ready to go…“Can We Understand the Bible?” If interested, just send a request with your address. and the lessons don’t need to be sent in to anyone for “grading”, etc. Thanks for your interest. |